The West of Scotland Space Cluster

The West of Scotland Space Cluster contains some of the world’s most innovative companies focused on small satellite development and manufacturing, rocket and launch vehicle manufacturing and downstream data analysis. All supported by a strong regional supply chain.

A growing hub of space activity consisting of almost 50 organisations, the West of Scotland encompasses a full value chain incorporating design, development and manufacturing of small satellites (cubesats, nanosatellites and PocketQubes), space products, components and systems, as well as launch vehicle manufacturing. From a New Space perspective, the region is also a recognised centre of excellence for research and companies focused on quantum optics and quantum information, ultrafast optics, novel light sources and applications, applied photonics and micro structures and materials.

The region’s unique technical and manufacturing capability, including the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), can help support the delivery of Scotland’s end-to-end capability, and play a pivotal role in helping to deliver the UK’s National Space Strategy.

As a regional cluster, the West of Scotland also offers a thriving ecosystem consisting of globally-recognised universities, colleges and innovation support organisations.

  • Satellite

    Design, manufacturing, and operations, spanning the mission lifecycle including: mission and data service design, sub-systems and  components, sensor development and payload integration, launch and deployment, and novel applications.

  • Launch

    Vehicles manufacturing, including: propulsion systems, additive manufacturing, and fuel products.

  • Earth Observation

    Including service concepts, product and service development, signal and image processing, data fusion and algorithm development, and commercialisation of applications.

  • Photonics

    Including integrated optics, semiconductor photonics materials and devices, semiconductor laser technology and integrated optics, laser and LED sources, solid-state lasers.

  • Quantum

    Including computing, quantum-enhanced imaging, communications, metrology sensors and timing, quantum components, information processing and algorithm development.