The Cluster Strategy

The West of Scotland Space Cluster has identified a number of priority areas to focus on after its autumn 2024 launch. These priorities will inform cluster activity and aim to support regional growth and impact.

The Strategy

Strategic Objectives:

  • Provide a platform on which to build the profile of the West of Scotland Space cluster, its members and their capabilities across Scotland, the UK and internationally. Activities should support ongoing or planned promotional activities by national organisations such as Space Scotland, national activities by Scottish Enterprise / Scottish Development International and regional activities by Glasgow City Council and Glasgow City Region.

  • Map existing infrastructure and facilities (focusing on potential open access/ shared elements) and develop/ support activities designed to secure funding for the evidenced infrastructure required to deliver economies of scale and support the continued commercial growth of regional players attract new inward investment.

  • Build connectivity to and between funding partners (private investment or government funding bodies such as UKSA) to improve visibility of new funding opportunities to enable more effective bid development (individually or collectively) for infrastructure funding that supports the infrastructure capability that maximises the economic development of regional players and attracts new inward investment opportunities.

  • Explore how regional companies and associated supply chain are effectively connected in terms of end-to-end capabilities, in particular appropriate partnership with Scottish launch facilities such as SaxaVord Space Port and Orbex.

  • Support cluster stakeholders to map challenges across skills requirements (industry) and skills development (academia) to better understand requirements on both sides. Where possible, develop and share best practices in inclusion, diversity, recruitment, retention and training to make space careers as attractive and rewarding as possible.

  • Work with appropriate regional or national partners to develop platforms that connect, educate and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to appreciate the value of the region’s space sector and space technologies role in peoples’ everyday lives.

  • Develop and support activities that enable the growth of downstream space application opportunities with end users across all industry sectors.

  • Sharing knowledge, expertise and best practice to increase growth across the West of Scotland Space Cluster to maximise economic benefit for the UK from the newest regional space cluster. Explore collaboration with other regions to explore new opportunities.